And Another Thing…


Quick Hits X: The Freakin’ Cold Winter Edition

I am ridiculously jazzed for the final episodes of Battlestar Galacticastarting this Friday. If you have not been watching it, then you are missing out on one of the best shows currently on television and one of the best science fiction shows ever. I caught up with it last summer thanks to NetFlix, and am glad that I did. There are a few dud episodes scattered throughout, but they are more than worth it for the satisfaction of seeing the whole story through.


Is it wrong that the main reason I am looking forward to the double holiday whammy next week is so that I can get two days off?


 If you like to read, check out Shelfari. You can friend me under the name Mike M.


Jackie Chan will play Mr. Miyagi in the upcoming Karate Kid remake. I’m not kidding. So in addition to confidence, self-respect, timeless life lessons, and some sweet fighting skills, the new kid will learn to speak broken English and make grossly exaggerated pain expressions.

I’ve made clear my distaste for most remakes before, but I’m not opposed to them on principle. I think that John Carpenter’s remake of The Thing is brilliant – it’s closer to the spirit of the original story and he managed to up the suspense and paranoia by making the creature capable of mimicking human beings to the smallest detail. Plus, he gave it one of the best endings of all time. But was something wrong with the original Karate Kid? Having caught it again on cable a few years ago, I thought that it was still a decent, emotionally satisfying, feel-good movie. So who needs a remake?



Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Ricardo Montalban has gone on to that Fantasy Island in the sky. However, many of us geeks will always remember him as one of the greatest science fiction movie villains ever.


Again with the geeking: Remember that sweet stinger at the end of the closing credits for Iron Man with Samuel L. Jackson playing Nick Fury? Apparently, being in an actual good movie frightened him, so Jackson may not reprise the role for Iron Man 2.

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Quick Hits IX: Odgie Takes Manhattan

I am getting over a bout of walking pneumonia, which sucks real bad like. The doctor put me on a Z-pack; and while the pneumonia is out of my system I am still coughing the nasties out.


I am pleasantly surprised by how much I am enjoying my internship at Child Protective Services. Like most people, I was operating on a stereotype about the work that they do: I thought CPS were the social workers who come into peoples homes and take their children. I also expected every case to be a descent into the 9th circle of Hell: black eyes, broken bones, children living in filth and squalor. The reality is that it is not that bad. Yes, we sometimes do have to take children out of their homes, but only in cases of imminent danger from abuse or neglect. And those cases are rare. Most of what we do is intervene in stressful family situations and insure the safety of the children by providing support to the parents. All of my clinical skills and capacities for judgment are being put to the test, and whether I stay or go next May I know that I will learn a great deal from the experience and be a better professional for it. But holding down my paying gig and the internship is still keeping me very, very tired just about all of the time.


I managed to catch up on the first season of Life via Netflix, and I am looking forward to watching the new season on my DVR. It’s a cool show. And I really wish that Heroes would cut it with the time travel. It’s becoming a story-telling crutch. What are you watching, old and new? Any recommendations?


I still haven’t decided who I am going to vote for, but I am leaning towards the candidate whose campaign doesn’t leave &*^%! robo-messages on my voice mail and choke my mailbox with flyers. Does anyone really think that works?


For those who haven’t heard, it appear that Star Trek is being re-booted ~ a new movie is coming out next year with a new cast playing young Kirk, Spock, McCoy, et. al. On the one hand, I think that this might be a good idea: maybe they can preserve all of the cool stuff from the franchise (aliens, spaceships, explosions, phasers, and green-skinned babes in bikinis) while getting rid of the lame (wooden acting; cheesy sets; unimaginative designs for aliens; the sterile, monotonous vision of humanity’s future; and the stifling political correctness of the later series). Maybe it will be a little more like Battlestar Galactica (the new version) and Firefly. That could be very cool. But on the other hand, there is also the possibility that it will “inspire” a whole new generation of kids to not date, not move out of their parents’ homes when they grow up, learn to speak Klingon, and dress up in costumes and go to conventions. It’s a cost-benefit analysis, folks.


Mystery quote: 

“This guy could be the Krishna finger killer.”

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Quick Hits VIII: Back to School

Michael Spencer (a.k.a the Internet Monk) has a terrific post up about “prosperity gospel.” However, it isn’t the one you hear about in the news. It’s the prosperity gospel that seems all too prevalent in Western Christianity.

Money quote:

We evangelicals apparently need to believe a version of the prosperity gospel where, at the least, none of us are below an understood “line of credibility” in Christian experience. And if we happen to go below that line, don’t expect instant encouragement. You may be surprised at what happens to you when you become walking evidence that not everyone is as happy, blessed, obedient and satisfied as they are supposed to be.

Ask yourself this question: Why is it that so many western Christians find the greatest challenges to their faith are experiences that do not even qualify as persecution or serious suffering? Why will the loss of a job or the moral failure of a pastor lead to the end of faith? Why do interpersonal conflicts in a church cause so many to abandon Christianity altogether?


Over at Political Cartel, one of their members writes about having rocks thrown at the window of her dorm on Harding University’s campus because she put up an Obama/Biden poster.  While I don’t think that this behavior is indicative of Republicans, I do think that it is indicative of an on-going failure in the university’s self-proclaimed mission.

Although the behavior of throwing rocks is a new one on me, the attitude that it represents is not. The prevalent mindset on Christian college campuses of avoiding the standard don’ts (cuss, drink, smoke, chew, or date girls that do) seems to miss other don’ts, such as committing acts of violence (and throwing a rock through a window is an act of violence) against people you disagree with. Back when I was an undergrad, I used to marvel at how someone could get up in chapel and give a stirring devotional (always using the holy voice, of course) and then go out on the field or court during an intramural game and talk trash, gloat about winning or pout about losing, and curse everyone and everything around them. If you go and read the piece, make sure you read the comment thread, which is one of the most hysterical I have ever seen, especially the woman who tries to equate name-calling with violence. I’m not saying that name-calling is a good thing, but really people…


Did you know that Sarah Palin once shot and ate an Eskimo and that Barack Obama hates children? I kid! But seriously, if you are tired of the spun-like-a-load-of-laundry campaign coverage and chain e-mails, check out which seems to actually present non-partisan information on all of the candidates and the campaign. And please don’t come back here and tell me that they are biased because they have something negative about your candidate.


You know, I start getting excited about elections every time one comes up but then the behavior of both major parties and their talking heads in the mainstream media (or, heaven help us, the blogosphere) becomes so vile, dishonest, and condescending that I find myself wishing that it was over long before the election arrives. I have mentioned my disgust in the past with the whole “Obama is a Muslim” meme, but now I am getting just as disgusted with the left. If Obama loses this election, it will be because so many who write in support of him seem determined to stereotype everyone who votes for McCain as a gap-toothed, slope-browed, troglodytic hillbilly who can’t keep his hands off his nearest sister. Newsflash, kids: voters will not select your candidate if you insist on calling voters stupid. I find myself leaning towards Bob Barr for the simple reason that neither he nor his party has done anything to disgust me yet. But the night is young…


The pictures below bother me for a lot of reasons, but I think the most disturbing is the one in the upper left corner, where it looks for all the world like Jesus is about to face-plant that dark-haired kid.


Jesus saves...the big game!

Jesus saves...the big game!

[H/T: Stuff Christians Like]


Mystery quote:

It’s gettin’ so a businessman can’t expect no return from a fixed fight. Now, if you can’t trust a fix, what can you trust? For a good return, you gotta go bettin’ on chance – and then you’re back with anarchy, right back in the jungle.

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Quick Hits VII: The Quickening

“Now Amos Moses was a Cajun, he lived down yonder in the swamp, he hunted alligator for a livin’, he used to hit ’em on the head with a stump”

Country musician, singer, and sometime actor Jerry Reed passed away from emphysema on Monday. Known as much for his gregarious personality, humorous songs, and moderate acting ability as his innovative guitar picking, he was always a guy who could bring a smile to your face. He was 71. Rest in peace, Mr. Reed.


Simple and to the point:

[H/T: Film Chat]


The world has lost it’s coolest voice, ever.


Patrick Mead takes churches of Christ to task for our often disgusting treatment of our ministers. My favorite quote:

“…it is good to finally have the chance to speak up for the ministers of small churches; those who bear the greatest burden in our fellowship and who are never on the lecture circuit, never invited to our large gatherings, and whose names never grace the latest bestseller. Without them, our religious tribe would collapse. In the same way junior enlisted men are the backbone of the military, these men and their families are the backbone of our movement. They should be treated honorably and sacrificially.”

I don’t always agree with him, but Mead is on the money here. There are thousands of good people laboring in obscurity as they minister to the sick, broken, and needy in our churches. How dare anyone look down their noses at them for not having the cult of personality earmarks that we associate with pastoral effectiveness: lectureship invitations, articles, etc. I’ll take a humble man who is responsible with the Word any day over some self-promoting circuit jockey. I wonder if those who bemoan the preacher shortage in our fellowship ever make the connection?


Mystery Quote:

“The time has come for someone to put his foot down. And that foot is me.”

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Quick Hits – Summer Lovin’ Edition

If you read and/or commented on my last post, please see the update.


This past weekend was chaos; controlled chaos to be certain, but chaos nonetheless. Friday evening and Saturday afternoon were initially set aside so that I could officiate at some friends’ wedding. Always an honor to be asked to fill such a role on a day that the bride and groom will remember for the rest of their lives. However, the bride and groom called it off. I don’t know why, nor do I want to know. However, I stand by the contention that a broken engagement is better than a broken marriage.

So, granted some serendipitous free time on Friday, I had a guys night: Famous Dave’s and some cheap cigars on my friend Matt’s back porch. A pleasant, relaxing evening with people I just don’t get to see that often.

Saturday, Christine and I cleaned the homestead in anticipation of her parents’ passing through on their return from attending their grandson’s elementary school graduation in Virginia Beach. We had a nice (albeit short) visit with them. I count myself truly fortunate to have in-laws that I like and who seem to like me.

Sunday afternoon my brother and his girlfriend came up from Staunton to celebrate his birthday and her graduation (Master in Counseling from James Madison University…congrats, Jenny). We took them to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and Steve Winwood at Nissan Pavilion. I had heard several trusted sources expound on what a great show Tom Petty puts on, and he lives up to the hype. He and the band burned through their classics and even provided a treat for me and my brother by playing one of our favorite songs (but not one of Petty’s biggest hits) “Rebels” from the 1985 album Southern Accents. They even threw in a Bo Diddley tribute during the encore.

Steve Winwood put on a great show as well, concentrating on blues covers and his classics from the number of groups he has been a member of. He also demonstrated a proficiency with the guitar that I was unaware of. The highlight of the show (for me, at least) was when he returned to the stage during the Heartbreakers’ set to perform “Gimme Some Lovin’” possibly the most popular song he ever wrote and his biggest hit with the Spencer Davis Group.

Of course, since we were at a major concert venue, there were the requisite drunken and/or stoned douchebags who had to carry on, yell inappropriate things, and vomit on the sidewalk. Otherwise, a good time was had by all.

Monday Christine took the day off and we had a nice quiet day of just us, thank you very much. Monday night I met some of my classmates for dinner (Christine was in her art class). It was good to see everyone without the pressure of Dr. Sunshine hanging over our heads. At least two of my classmates are planning to move soon; one to New York and one to North Carolina. I am surprised that I made good enough friends in graduate school that this saddens me.


I don’t know who I am going to vote for. McCain, who once appeared (to me, at least) to be a man of principle, has pretty much become a waterboy for the worst elements of the Republican Party. How he can even stand to be in the same room as Dubya without spitting in Dubya’s face for slandering him in 2000 is beyond me. None of this takes away from McCain’s heroism during the Vietnam War, but it does make me question his ability to lead our country.

Meanwhile, Obama continues to promise Utopia. That would be nice, but I really want to know how he plans to achieve this. I hope that the change and progress he is promising won’t be built on the backs of working people, the way most things are done now.


Way back in January I made the admittedly safe prediction that all of the candidates would attempt to outdo each other in displays of religiosity. What I did not predict is how bad they would be at it. McCain managed to pick one of the most polarizing, end-times obsessed wingnuts as his spiritual adviser. As for Obama, well, we all know how that one turned out. Meanwhile, atheist bloggers are practically  crapping themselves over the idea that Obama may be a closet atheist or agnostic; yet they approve of his “pandering” to all us gap-toothed, subliterate religious folk in order to get our votes.

I honestly don’t care; I gave up on politicians reflecting Christian values a long time ago. Some may have been committed to the faith when they started out, but the compromises necessary in the pursuit of power have to wear their commitment down eventually. Considering the things that Jesus had to say about power and wealth (and I defy anyone to show me a politician who isn’t wealthy) I find it highly unlikely that any serious contender for the office of president is still devoting their utmost to his highest. I think the best that we can hope for is the person who lies the least. I will be happy if I am proven wrong, though.

Regardless, is it wrong to say how happy I am that Hillary is out of it? Close your eyes and say it with me kids: “No more Bushes, no more Clintons, no more Kennedys”


Mystery quote:

“If you didn’t want him dead, why did you leave him with me?”


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Bride of Quick Hits

I am really, really tired of school. I have never looked forward to the end of a semester more in my life.


By now i’m sure that everyone has heard that Charlton Heston passed away Sunday night. I wouldn’t call myself a fan, per se, but I could appreciate his larger-than-life bearing, natural gravitas, and how good he could be when he put his best effort forward. If you are snickering at this point, can I suggest Heston’s favorite of his films, Will Penny?  It’s a great little western about an aging cowboy/gun hand facing a choice about whether to continue with his rootless ways or settle down and try to build a life.  Mark Evanier has a good take on Heston here, and Gareth Higgins of the God’s Politics website offers a Christian perspective on Heston’s life, career, and often controversial politics here.


Sad news for fans of alternative country: No Depression magazine will cease publication with its May-June issue, #75.  Since 1995, this magazine was a resource for great writing about real country music and for finding out about promising new bands and new releases from old favorites.  However, they will continue with their website and the two founders both have blogs here and here. In related news, Kenny Rogers is still touring.


Finally, something America and France can agree on: Mass protests in Paris thwarted the passing of the Olympic Torch through the city. The protests were in response to China’s human rights record. One has to wonder: Does the current regime really believe that they have the world fooled? Do they ever hear about these protests and think, “Hey, maybe the jig is up?”


Would someone please explain to me what emergent and emerging churches are, and the difference? Because I still don’t get it.


My old friend Dave (no liberal, by the way) believes that the Republican Party is destroying the country, and makes a pretty compelling case for it here.


Mystery quote: “As I write these words, I am holding a rapier in one hand and a pistol in the other.”

Update: The author of the above quote was Sir Boyle Roche (1736-1807).

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Quick Hits: The Revenge

I recently had my first (and hopefully last) root canal. There was a crack in the one filling that I had and the tooth went bad, so I paid my first visit to an oral surgeon. It was not the nightmare that I have always heard. The Novocain worked well and the pain afterwards was minimal, less than a stubbed toe. The only part that I did not like was seeing smoke rise from my mouth during the procedure. That scared me a little bit. A couple of days later my dentist put in a temporary crown, and in a couple of weeks I should have my permanent one. The temp crown is silver; I was hoping for a gold one with a dollar sign on it so that I could take pictures of it and call it “Pimp My Mouth.”


Upgraded to a new cell phone and I am still figuring out how to work it. If you call me, be patient.


One of Christine’s brothers lives in Austin, TX, and is constantly trying to sell us on the idea that we need to move there as soon as possible, or at least visit. He sent us links to all of the music venues, BBQ, and Mexican food places and after looking at them I really want to go like right now!


Have you ever noticed…

…that people who say that they don’t care what anyone thinks want to make sure that everyone notices that they don’t care?

…that most self-proclaimed free-thinkers sound alike?

…how stupid people sound when they talk about how smart they are?


Have you seen the ads for a new movie called In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale? This looks like a bowel movement on celluloid. First of all, it’s based on a video game. Second, it is a medieval fantasy movie with Burt Reynolds and Ray Liotta. Yes, that’s right, the Bandit and Henry Hill are going to be in a sword and sorcery epic. These could be the funniest instances of miscasting since Harvey Keitel played Judas of the Bronx in The Last Temptation of Christ. What happened to Burt and Ray? They both used to be so cool. Maybe Dom DeLuise or Jerry Reed will cameo as wizards or knights or something. Come to think of it, I might want to see that just for the train-wreck factor.

This raises a question for you: What are the funniest mistakes in casting that you have ever seen in a movie?


Predictions for 2008

  • Free radio will continue to suck
  • The mega-church movement will continue to implode
  • Atheists will blame Christians for something
  • Bush will say something stupid
  • The candidates for president will try to outdo each other in displays of religiosity
  • I probably will not like our next president
  • A celebrity will do something deplorable then apologize and go to rehab
  • The networks will barf up more reality shows

What do you think will happen in 2008? 


Mystery quote:

“Doesn’t give me anything. But along with these other results, it gives YOU just about the most twisted, anti-social bunch of psychopathic deformities I have ever run into…you’ve got one religious maniac, one malignant dwarf, two near-idiots… and the rest I don’t even wanna think about”

Hint: It’s from a war movie. Peace.

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Quick Hits III: 3-D

  I am ever-so-slowly getting into the Christmas spirit as the holiday gets closer. I have struggled with grinchiness (or scrooginess, if you prefer) in the past few weeks. My reasons are neither original nor profound. First, I hate that Christmas hype begins earlier each year. I have neither the energy nor the inclination to worry about gifts in October. Second, I hate shopping for any reason, especially buying things for people that they don’t really need or want just to have something to put under the tree. Third, I hate the political correctness run amuck of the so-called “Christmas wars.” As I have said before, it doesn’t bother me in the least when the girl who charges me for my coffee says “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas.” Besides, anyone who knows their history knows that many of the rituals associated with this holiday were ripped off from pagan religions. Finally, I don’t really need anything besides money. Hey, I know it’s crass, but that’s the truth.And yet, and yet…I had a great time shopping for a tree and putting it up with Christine the other night. I am genuinely looking forward to decorating it, as well. I fully expect to catch It’s A Wonderful Life on cable in the next few weeks and I will probably choke up at the end just like I always do. I am enjoying hearing children talk about Santa Claus, getting Christmas cards from friends and family, and the generally better attitude I am encountering wherever I go. So maybe I can beat back my scrooginess this year without a visit from three ghosts…



“We do not see the early Christian communities in the streets railing against the sins of their culture. Without compromising the moral vision of scripture, they are being transformed into an alternative community, where the fruit of the Spirit and the law of Christ fulfill the moral vision of God in those made in the image of Christ.”

From “C.S. Lewis and Christian Morality (with some thoughts on the culture war)” over at Internet Monk.


It’s time to recognize, and celebrate, our differences.  Joining the celebration of religious expression is easy:  Simply be offended by everyone else’s religious expression…

… Our own government continues to refer to this day [Wednesday] as the Day of Woden, clearly embracing one religious view over others.   Even our public schools embrace Woden, throughout school publications and practices.  While I’m not steeped in Teutonic lore, I suspect, based on our monthly cafeteria calendars, that Woden remains the Teutonic Lord of pizza square, pear, brownie and choice of milk.

… Not to mention these “Saturdays” we keep having!   I try to be open-minded about this stuff, but c’mon:  “Saturn” is just the Roman equivalent of the Greek god “Cronus”.  What did Cronus do?  Oh, boy.

‘Cronus was the ruling Titan who came to power by castrating his Father Uranus. His wife was Rhea. There offspring were the first of the Olympians. To insure his safety Cronus ate each of the children as they were born…’

That’s pretty much not cool.   I don’t want to judge, I’d have to walk a mile in his shoes, etc., but — I don’t know, man — this just seems out of line. 

But he gets his own DAY for that.  He castrates his dad, eats his kids…and then mall stores honor Cronus with “Saturday Sales Events”?  I don’t even want to know what goes down at those things. 

So yeah, stop saying “Saturday” around me.  New rule:  Even if the culture is steeped in it, and even if most even prefer it; even if it might seem to be reasonable to expect I could accommodate it, heck, even if it IS Saturday:  don’t say it.”

From “Don’t Tell Me It’s Wednesday” over at Letters from Kamp Krusty.


It looks like one of my two favorite new shows of the season is finished: Journeyman has not been given a full-season pick-up by NBC. It’s really a shame. I know that many people dismissed it as a rip-off  of Quantum Leap  (another great one) just because of it’s time-travel plot, but really folks, that’s like saying Firefly was a Star Trek rip-off because both were about people who travel in space during the future. Journeyman managed to incorporate a broad range of stories and genres in each episode: mystery, suspense, police procedurals, journalism, urban legends, and family drama (the dynamics of the conflict between main character Dan and his estranged brother Jack made for one of the most realistically portrayed sibling rivalries I have ever seen). What’s more, it had one of the best casts around, including the excellent Kevin McKidd (whom I had not heard of before) and Reed Diamond (formerly of my all-time favorite Homicide: Life on the Street) as the feuding brothers. If you missed out, rent the inevitable DVD set when it comes out. You’ll be glad you did.


Mystery quote:

 “Walter, man, why is everything a travesty with you?


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Quick Hits II: Attack of the Phantom Clones

Disclosure: I am writing this because I am procrastinating. If I had any discipline, I would be doing a “data extraction” on five articles for my Research class.


Soliciting people with artistic ability: In my Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders class, we are required to come up with a work of art that demonstrates a disorder. No, I am not kidding. It can be a visual work, a song, a poem, etc. This bugs me a little bit. There is a reason that I did not follow my childhood dream of becoming a comic-book artist: I can’t draw or paint to save my life. There is a reason that I don’t play in a band, even as a hobby despite the guitar lessons I took throughout high school: I have no musical talent whatsoever. Finally, there is a reason that I am not a professional writer: well, those of you who stop by here regularly know why I am not a professional writer.

Here is where the solicitation part comes in: I need ideas, people! Quick! So share your thoughts. However, I am not doing an interpretive dance.


A moratorium: In the U.S., Christians and Atheists alike should stop claiming that they are being oppressed or discriminated against. In my strolls through the blogosphere, I can always find a blog about atheism or one about Christianity bemoaning how hard it is to live in a culture that “hates” them for their respective beliefs. To my brothers and sisters in Christ: Schools that don’t have mandatory moments of silence, clerks making $6.65 an hour who won’t say “Merry Christmas,” and snarky comments on blogs (ahem) do not qualify as oppression or discrimination. Believers in the Sudan or China would rightly laugh if they knew the things that we get up in arms about. To atheists (specifically, the blog-jockey kind): Somebody attempting to share their faith with you is not oppression. Granted, if you tell them you are not interested and they keep at it, you have a right to be annoyed. But until Uncle Sam comes and tells you that you have to listen to what they say, stop whining. And by the way, people of faith don’t hate or fear you. The reason that there may never be an atheist president is “Vote for me, you religious idiots!” is not a good campaign slogan. Let’s face it folks: everyone hates being disagreed with. All of us struggle with tolerating the dissenting opinion. That’s not a result of a point-of-view, that’s a result of being human.


I am revising my earlier opinion on Journeyman. This show keeps getting better and better. By the way, this last Monday’s episode of Heroes was the best so far this season. Not only did we learn how the Petrelli brothers survived the explosion at the end of last season, we finally got to see the point of Hiro’s seemingly interminable (and boring) sojourn to medieval Japan. And they also finally delivered some more cool action. Now, if we can just get rid of Claire’s annoying boyfriend and do something interesting with the brother and sister trying to cross the border, the show might get back on track.


Mystery quote:

“These people tried to hang me, and they have been killed for it.”

Hint: It’s from a western. Peace.

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Quick Hits: The Motion Picture

I have been tempted to pray that God will kill Fred Phelps and that gaggle of inbreds he calls a church. Is that wrong?


For Northern Virginians: Click here if you want to know the best place in the area to get fajitas.


Whiny interlude: Most of the time working nights is the perfect job for a student. My schedule rotates on a weekly basis, meaning that any night that I work on any given week I will have off the following week. This is a good thing because Mondays are murderous for me. I get off of work at 8am and head home (30-45 minutes, depending on traffic) and try to grab some shut-eye. Then I have to get up at 2 pm, clean up, grab something to eat, and head to Alexandria for back-to-back classes from 4pm – 9:30 pm. Then it’s back to work at 10:30 pm. By Tuesday morning, I am operating at about 25% mental capacity. I am sure that those of you who know how unimpressive I am at 100% capacity are frightened, and with good reason.

Corny interlude: On those weeks that I work Sunday and Monday nights back-to-back, I go 48 hours without seeing my wife…which really, really sucks. By the time I get home on Monday mornings, she is at work. By the time she gets home Monday nights, I am in class. Then it’s back to work. Then I go home on Tuesday morning and she is at work. Then I leave at 5 pm for a 7 pm class. 5pm is about the time she gets home from work. Finally, I get home about 10pm on Tuesdays, about 48 hours after I left for work on Sunday night. Thank you Lord, for sending me a very patient woman.


Quotes I have heard (or read) recently that I like:

“A positive attitude does not solve every problem, but it annoys enough people to make it worth the effort.”

     – author unknown

“These, of course, are central themes of religion, particularly Christian religion. And the question naturally arises: How can a book series about tolerance also be a book series about religion? This represents a misunderstanding of both tolerance and faith. For many, tolerance does not result from the absence of moral convictions but from a positive religious teaching about human dignity. Many believe — not in spite of their faith but because of it — that [others] should be treated with kindness and fairness. Above all, believers are called to love, even at the highest cost.”             

– Michael Gerson, Op-Ed columnist for the Washington Post

“One of the strangest trends of recent years has surely been the extended adolescence of the Western male. A recent survey showed that the average age for video game players is now somewhere in the mid-30s; and the fact that trivia such as the result of a baseball match can generate passion and high blood-pressure more than the AIDS crisis in Africa, the problem of global warming, and world poverty, says something about the juvenile priorities of the most well fed, best educated, and financially comfortable generation in history.”    

– Carl Trueman on the pressure on ministers to be “hip”(if you are “follicly challenged” you will love this piece).

Mystery Quote:

“Why for you bury me in the cold, cold ground?” 

A no-prize for the first person to identify who said that.


This one is for my brother: We have been waiting for this day since we were kids. Well, waiting time is over.


For more information on this holiday that we can all get behind, click here.

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Where in the World…