And Another Thing…



My sister-in-law Kathi tagged me in one of those pass-along blog things. Since this is the only time I have ever gotten one I will cheerfully pass on the goodness:

Four things I did today:

  1. Got up
  2. Walked Max
  3. Met with my field supervisor and my academic liaison at my internship
  4. Cursed Bill Gates and Microsoft for that train wreck that they call Windows Vista

Four things on my to-do list:

  1. Fill out some Federal job applications (quite possible the most tedious process in history)
  2. Start on my next paper for class
  3. Reply to the voices in my head
  4. Trim my goatee

Four of my guiltiest pleasures:

  1. Charlie the Unicorn
  2. Finding subtle (?) ways to slip my knowledge of film, books, and music into casual conversation
  3. Indulging my narcissism through blogging
  4. Laughing at the crap that passes for music on most radio

Four random facts about me:

  1. The only thing that keeps me from being a great musician is my complete lack of musical talent
  2. Every time I hear an American fake a Jamaican accent, I want to punch him or her in the throat
  3. The song Here Comes the Night by Them (Van Morrison’s first band) makes me laugh uncontrollably every time I hear it, and I don’t know why
  4. I harbor fantasies of writing a book someday

And since I am supposed to tag 4 others, I pick:

Johnny V

Dave B



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